Photoshop Transparency





Chose an image from google put on desktop, open Photoshop, drag image into photo shop and make a copy by dragging the image down to the bottom of the left side of the Photoshop page and inserting the image into the icon just left of the delete icon to add a document copy layer to work with.  Once the document layer copy is made, make a transparency copy; first change the file type to .png instead of .jpeg so it can be used as a transparent image.  Make sure and use the magic eraser tool to change all the white background in the image to use transparent image.  Next pull a landscape file from google, which I did by choosing a beach scene.  Put the image on your desktop and then drag it to the image in Photoshop.  Make sure the duck image (transparent image) layer is above the document layer. Move the duck to the position you want it to be placed,  Also, before using the Duck image trim the image so the duck is the only image showing on the beach.  You can resize the duck by holding down the shift key while dragging the image by holding down the corner box on the outline and making it smaller or larger whichever you want. By holding down the shift key the size changes proportionately. I than decided to add another transparent image into the picture by going through the same process, pulling an image from google, (if possible a .png file) and then dragging it into the photo using another layer called coconut which can than be resized to fit your photo.  Make sure the coconut layer is above the document layer so it that it will not hide once your inside the beach image.  Click file, save as, and name it.  Once you’ve exited from Photoshop the image can no longer be changed.  If you want to add images to the original photo you can do so by making a document copy, however, you cannot change the original objects in the photo, just add other images.


Photoshop: Before and After

Before and afterBefore and After Black-And-Whate-Sexy-Wallpaper copy copy

Went to Google to pull and Image Black and White; uploaded to Photoshop. 1) I copied the file to make a document copy layer and worked on the copy to change the appearance of the image. Made separate layers for skin, lips, and eyes. For painting of lips chose the select tool in Photoshop, outlined the lips and went to color to add a red color for the lips, after choosing the color selected the brush tool sizing the brush so the brush is a bit smaller for better accuracy to paint the lips. Once the lips are colored I selected overlay on the menu at the left side of Photoshop were the layers were and was able to preview my work. Finally I used the opacity to tweak the lips while overlay. Next I worked on the skin; made a layer for skin which is placed above the document layer and chose a different skin color while in Normal which is located next to opacity. Normal is the a drop down menu in which one can access overlay after adding different color tone to skin. Once the color is added click the normal drop down menu to head back to overlay and then use opacity which is a horizontal scroll bar to tweak the color on the skin. The eyes are done in the same fashion as the lips, add another layer name it eyes and work on the eyes by selecting the eyes using the color tool, the brush tool, resize the brush to easily work on the eyes, chose a color, and brush to eyes. Once the eyes are filled in with a new color go back to overlay and use opacity to tweak the color of the eyes. Once the changes are complete save the picture by clicking on file at the top of Photoshop and name it after. Make sure and save the original copy before changes as a separate file. Next click on image click on canvas size and double the size of the canvas so one can drag both before and after copies to the canvas save as Before and After and your done.